Keeping A Goldfish

Tank Size
Lets start off with tank size, many hobbyist kept their goldfish in bowl or basin or in a small tank.
Goldfish can grow up to 6inches or even 12inches in size. A rule of thumb is that First goldfish 20Gallons(60 Litre) is needed, and 10Gallon(30litres) for each additional Goldfish added.
How much is 1 Gallon? Its about 3.81 Litres of water.
By Using a 2ft x 1.5 x 1.5 Tank(thats 33.66 Gallons), You should be keeping 2-3 Fishes at most.(You will see your results in growth of goldfish.)
How to calculate? Use this Web or google Tank Calculator.

Water Changes
Always used de-chlorinated water to change water, i used PRIME, works instantly with few drops of it to new pail of tap water. Water Changes can be frequent as much as 50-100% water change every 2 days. Your fishes will love you for the clean water. It can be as low as once 20% to 50% per week if you have good filtrations.
-Many may ask about TEMPERATURE, don't worry, Goldfish can withstand drastic water temperature change. Goldfish can withstand 15 Degrees to 29 Degrees.
Most likely your water in singapore is around 25 to 29 degrees.

Why we need filter?

A Cycled Tank/Filter will grow beneficial bacteria, this will break down Ammonia which is good for your tank as Goldfish produces lots of waste, ammonia, nitrates gets up really fast. So its best that your filter flowrate does at least 4 times of your tank per hour. However water current is something that goldfish doesnt likes.

1) Sponge Filter 
-Pros: Cheap;provide aerations; slow currents; minimum filtrations & B.Bacterial for small tanks.
-Cons: Water gets dirty fast, You need to maintain your water changes frequently, filter cleaning(Never clean filter sponge with fresh chlorine tap water, you should clean it with old tank water). Takes up Tank, Space

2)Corner Box Filter
-Pros: Cheap;provide aerations; slow currents; minimum filtrations & B.Bacterial for small tanks 1ft, Slightly Better than sponge filter, as you can place filter wool/Bio-Media(ceramic Rings or gravels)/Activated Carbon in it, dont be surprised for your small tank to be water clear by using this.
-Cons: Requires Maintenance frequent, takes up tank space. Doesnt do much on a big tank.

3)Overhead/Waterfall Filter
-Pros: Medium cost; Provide good filtrations flow rate; placed slightly above water and you have water agitations for aerations; if filter-media placed correctly (Water inlet ; then Coarse Sponge ; then Filter Wool then Bio-Media and output). Very efficient filter for a small 1ft to 2ft tank. Maintenance once or twice a month by cleaning coarse sponge and filter wool(Shall elaborate on filter media later).
-Cons: Water Flowing Drop Sound, produce mild currents in water depending on flow-rate.

4) Filter Canister
-Pros: for its size and , its definitely one of the better ones compared to above. As layers of water filtrations can be distributed nicely thru Filter Media's. Good for tank up to 3ft.
-Cons: Bulky(Internal & External), costly, water current depending on flow-rate.

5) Overflow Sump Filter / Overhead Sump Filter
-Pros: Best among all filter, widely used in big aquariums, As layers of water filtrations can be distributed nicely thru Filter Media's. Good for tank 3ft above.
-Cons: big space, Expensive, water current depending on flow-rate.

Filter Media & Placement:
1st filtration Order)Coarse Filter: Sponges with many small holes. To Trap Waste, Uneaten food, Unwanted products.(Requires cleaning maintenance every month to prevent clogging of water flow)
2nd)Dense Sponge/Filter Wool: To make your water clean and clear. (Once in a month Cleaning, replace when needed)
3rd)Bio-Media: Ceramic Rings(Rougher Better), Bio Balls etc. (To Build/Grow Beneficial Bacterial) (wash once every 1-2 mths)
4th)Activated Carbon: Makes your aquarium Odourless. (requires replacement every 3 months)
5th)Uv-Light: To kill unwanted Bacterial, makes water cleaner, Kill Algae bloom (Not Necessary as Goldfish loves algae).
*Always wash filter media with old tank water. so you will not kill all B.Bacteria.)*

Goldfish requires lots of Aerations, the more the better. In Warmer temperature, oxygen disperse fast in water.
Big or Tiny Bubbles is better? Oxygen is produce when an exchange is made. This is when airstones produces bubbles up the water surfaces and the bubbles exploded, and exchange of gases is done. So tiny bubbles are better than big bubbles.
1)If your goldfish always comes to the top of the water, to gulp air or produce bubbles. Most likely your tank is insufficient of oxygen. Pump up that aeration.
2)Hence if your aeration is powerful and the goldfish kept on coming up, it maybe because you feeding them with floating pellets and they looking for food.
3) beware of over-feeding, causing swim bladder problems may also cause them to be at top of the water.

Feeding them
Goldfish doesnt know when to stop eating, its best gauge that they finish their food within 3-5mins. Goldfish can live without food up to 2weeks, some says 3weeks.
Fish doesnt die that easy of insufficient food, it dies due to overfeeding/poor water condition due to waste/uneaten food.

Keeping Live plants in tank is good, provided you provide them with sunlight or tank lighting at certain hours of the day(I switch on my lights for 4hrs daily). They produces infusoria, algae for goldfishes to nip on. One thing about live plants is that they also act as a filter, cleans small amount of nitrates of the water.

Ok thats all for now.

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